Jom Tekan Menda Niey !!!

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Friday, February 1, 2013

I miss them ! :"(

Alhamdulillah, just done my writing task as the preparation for MUET (Malaysian University English Test) hohoho. So tired lorh. I haven't think for this task for ages. Usually, in university, I just need to make only one paragraph for my writing test, but today, I have to finish the essay with complete 5 paragraph which must in 350 words above! Argh!! Shitt! How I'm gonna to find the idea?? The point? Uhhh... Luckily this's just an assignment, not a test yet. Huhu. I don't know how it going to finish if it is in the test or exam? And, of course I notice that, I make soooo many grammatical error! Huh! Just look at this entry, surely you can notice it, if not, you're just same as me! Hahahaha. 

By the way, just now also my beloved mum just called me! Hewhewhew! ;D . Sooo happy lorrhhh...Hehehe. Why? Of course I'm so happy because I've not see her for a looonngggg time! Huhu. I couldn't escape from this shitt programme as I got band 2 in my last MUET. Huhu. This university needs their student to reach at least Band 3 to graduate. So, as the main step to avoid us from trap in this university forever is to reach Band 3! Huhu. Owh, back to our point, just about my mum. Before she called, I just remembered my late father. Then, I feel I really miss him, and , as I miss my father, I'm going to miss my mother who still besides me in this world. The tears comes, dropped from my eyes. I'm afraid that if  I couldn't see her for my last time, and I can, I won't it happen! Huhu. O Allah, please take care my mum. Also my father there..take him besides U. He always obedient to U. Avoid him from the fire of the hell. Huhu. And, as I missed my parent, I hope I can make a call with them. And, I believes to the power of Mother's instinct, so I waited my mum to call..Eh?? What the...??? Ishh3..Actually I should call her first. But, I stay wait and then, I GOT A CALL!!! Whoaa!! I's MY MUM!!! I KNEW IT!!! Subhanallah, He's sending my vibes to my mum.. Thank you Allah! :D

And to my father, if you can see me and can read this, although I know you couldn't understand the language, Allah is there, He can help you to read this. I hope you always happy besides HIM, wait for me there, and I'll always pray for u, insyaAllah. But, I'm sorry if because of me, the fire in the hell touched you. I'll try my best to improve myself to become a better Muslimeen...

Our prophet; Muhammad s.a.w says,
"...when the son of Adam dies, all the rewards for their practice will be stop except 3 things ; sadaqah , the useful knowledge and THE PRAYER FROM THE GOOD CHILDREN.."

p/s: I'm sorry if any the error occur in this entry. Thanks for reading. :))

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