Jom Tekan Menda Niey !!!

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Birthday to Myself !!! ;)

Assalamualaikum... :)
Hehe..i feel soo lucky today, and i hope it will be never stop. Hehe. Google gave me a very awesome surprise today!!! haha...just now, i open the google and saw the cakes! haha. And when i bring the arrow to the cake, a caption come with words " Happy Birthday Tka!", just like in the picture below. Huh??!!! SURPRISE !!! :"D 

at this time, i remembered a surprise that had happened to me just 2 years before.

that night, was 2 years ago...
in my dorm, male's hostle in SMKAWA...
one of the night in the SpM's exam weeks..
"kringg..!!" the phone's ringgin...
unknown number. "uh??? who's this??" deep in my heart....
i answered, an unclear voice heard, noise.... "sorry, who's this??? can u call me later? the line is unclear. i cant hear u as well". i ended the converse..
"kringgg...!!" same number..i got to leave the dorm, the books left. maybe it's an important call..
"hello.." my word is cut by the caller's voice,
"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you.." seems like a choir is singging inside the phone, and i heard they sang the Happy Birthday song to me..haha..
speechless. i see...they were my classmates from the female's hostle... haha. 
they asked me to go outside, wait at the end of the corridor. "we have something to show." they said. haha.. just go and wait, suddenly, although i cant see it clearly, i can know it, they burned the fireworks for me. haha. 
great to have them as friends. 
thanks guys. 

below were the three cakes that provided from SUKSIS (Sukarelawan Siswa/wi) when we come to early November. They celebrate us; who born in this month. That was the first time the flour comes to me (no pict provided for that, only cakes..).. haha.

#thanks for reading...wish me luck for this my new age! hehehe

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