Jom Tekan Menda Niey !!!

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Monday, November 14, 2011


Hyep, Happy 11.11.2011!!! (^-^) Last 11.11.2011, the date was choose for many event especially for wedding day. That date was chosen because it’s unique number. So, peoples choose dis date for many event such below;

1.Wedding day.
2.The day for birth their child.
3.As I know, it also the RUBBISH DAY!!!
4.New look for “News Straits Time”.

I won’t talk about 1st and 2nd point, because it very common among us.

I’m interesting about 3rd point. Nowadays, the rubbish in our country is increasing become a MOUNTAIN OF RUBBISH!!! We can’t see it at our place, but if we go to the place to throw the rubbish, we can see the ‘mountain’.

So, here I won’t talk much, and interesting to ask you to REDUCE THE RUBBISH either on this RUBBISH DAY or all the days in our life. Reuse your used items to SAVE THE WORLD!!!

Do you know about the new look for ‘News Straits Times’ ??? Today, the popular newspaper was upgrade their look. Before, thought that only movies can bring us to 3D world, but, nowadays, NST shows that they can make some ‘magic’ to attract more reader to read the 3D newspaper. It sound so interesting. And, I think after dis, maybe newspaper like in Harry Potter’s movies will exist in the future. Lastly, enjoy reading NST !!!

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