Jom Tekan Menda Niey !!!

Selamat datang ke blog ana yang tak seberapa ini . Sila la baca entry entry yang ada . Kalau suka 'like' aje la . Dan , jangan lupa komen .Be my follower . Terima kasih . :P

sahabat bloggiey :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

GoOd byE…

Assalamualaikum and peace upon you.

Dis 21st November 2011, I’ll start my sem 2 at college. Huh~ -.- (feel bad) . My routine will change to unnormal life after dat date as a student. Huhuhu. Before dis I can sleep every time, as  I want. But, start dis date, ahhhh… no more sleep. I guess.

Before dis, my senior told me to go to any IPTA, and DON’T CHOOSE MATRICULATION PROGRAMME because believe dat programme was quiet difficult. But I didn’t care. I just do wat I want. So, after facing PSPM 1, now I just believe dat da programme was very difficult! Huhuhu. (T_T)

BUT!!!! Dis programme have its own benefits. Because, we can skip our time to step into IPTA. Hahaha. It didn’t waste the time. And, to success and pass the exam, we must STUDY HARD first. Hehehe. If not, we need to repeat, and I won’t it!!!!! I won’t waste my time. Huhuhu.

Talk about pass the exam, huhuhu, I very anxious because my result will be announce dis 6th Disember… Huhuhuhu… I want at least 3.00! Pray for me k!!

So I think when I back to my college, dis blog will be neglected for a few month. Huhuhu. Wait for me to come back. I’ll find some time to write for dis blog.
Thank you. (^_^)

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