Jom Tekan Menda Niey !!!

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

stUdy, stuDy,stUdY....then StadO

stUdy, stuDy,stUdY....then StadO...hahaha...
stUdeNt liFe, alwaYs wiTh StudY,

But, SomEtiMe it wilL folLowEd bY stUdo tO...LoL..
actually, this week will be the most boring week...huhuhu...
although i doesn't hve any class to attend, but we must study ourselves to face the incoming PSPM*.
 huhh.. more tense!!

 i can say dat,dis study week are da most free week, but it'll make me always wake up late in de afternoon. huhuhu. (bcoz i sleep at the late night, not for studying subject in dis program, but studying FACEBOOK. LOL .:P )

 if dis event continue for the whole sem, i could fail for my study. huhuhu. for dis 4 days in study week, i've study wat i think dat i must struggle. i did math, chem, bio...(wat about sc comp???? :P)

 before dis,
when i do math, i think i love it,
when i do bio, i think, i love it, more than i love math,
when i do chem, i think, i hate it, but i need to do so..

 but, now,,,
when i do math, i think, i wanna sleep,,hate it!!
when i do bio, i think, can i sleep for a while???..
when i do chem, i think, wonderful!!! love it!!!

i still need to study math, bcoz where ever i go, there's math!!! huhuh..
although bio sometime makes me bored, i still love it, bcoz bio is my LiFe!!! itS in my wOrlD!!!
chemist, i just kNow you now, don't make me feel bored for you please..

 i think, i wanna sleep know,,,hehehe...(-,- )

 p/s; pray for my success in PSPM...hehehe...

 *PSPM---->Peperiksaan Sememster Program Matrikulasi...

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