Jom Tekan Menda Niey !!!

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sahabat bloggiey :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today i would like to share something with you. Hehehe. Speaking ea??? (eh,wrong2, writing la...:P)
Kk, just now i could understand about love. Not about love btwn family or friends, but... i’m totally sure dats you all understood wat i’m telling now, which is about love with someone which is un’muhrim’ to you. Who we can married him/her. But in my case, i‘m not in love. Not a sweety, smoothy couple like the others. I still single, but i’ve someone who i love ( i sure??? Still ‘confius’. Hahaha)

Maybe i love her, but i can’t. You know y??? Becoz we aren’t muhrim ler. Ekekeke. but, love btwn a man to a woman is something which is a normal feeling that given to us. If a man didn’t have any love to any women along his life, there’s might be have some problem with their feeling. I’m not like dat. Hehehe. Continue to my case.

Although we can’t fell in love, i still can’t forget her. My feels to her become so strong ( uekkk, feel weird to write something like dis to public (-_-“) ). Yeah, maybe becoz i’m very like her. But wat can i do??? Just waiting till end of da day. Huhuhu. Try to forget her??? How?? We hvn’t see for a long time. Nver contact. Nver talk n nver see her face although in pic so.

Now, while i’m wrote dis entry, i’m hearing some song with the tiltle is “CINTA TERAKHIR” from Aiman, “SUARA (KU BERHARAP)” from Hijau Daun Band. Huuuu... the songs are close to me. I feels like da songs are belong to me. In Hijau Daun’s song, i can feel that i’ll waiting for her, till she can accept me. So that i’ll never find the others although there’s some women try for me, (eah, are there some???? I don’t think so. Hahaha. Who am i in dis world??? Huhuhu. Shortie heart( rendh hati) hahahahahahahaha. Ops, stop there, hehehe).

I wonder, if i still waiting for her for the future, can i get her???
We don’t know what can happen in da future, right??? I just can let it flow with the time. Let the air blow to the future. Just wait and wait till we know what will it be. Can be together or be the others. There’s some hadith says that,

“ a good man is belongs to a good woman, and a good woman is belongs to a good man ”

Am i a good man to have her, such she is a good woman??? A pure muslimah, which all muslim find a muslimah like her.
p/s: Just wanna share. About my writing, you can comment it below. I wrote in English because just wanna improve my grammar for da future. Thanks for reading. (^_^)

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